So last year I had bought a pair of "No one can top this shit" Wedges.
I should of bought two pairs when I first ordered them but second thoughts ruined my game plan. A year later, time to bust out them sandals and sure shit.... turns out these particular canvas shoes of mine are a little worn.
Ughhh. I absolutely need these shoes, I fuckin neeeeeeeeeed them.

Last week I was on the phone with a distributor trying to locate a size 7 anywhere in the world. We were on the phone for two days when I finally received that unfortunate, burdened, and hurtful news.
Fucking Bullshit! They are not made anymore... That's bogus!
My only other option was resorting to eBay.
Following my rant and rampaging after hanging up the phone, I went to Ebay and typed the brand in and what do you know... You gotta be shittin me... There they are... a size seven, never worn pair just waiting for me to make that bid. I look over at how many days are left. 6 days; heres my chance.
If you don't know... eBay is not always my friend. Last summer, not One but Two instances occurred leaving me in distress and distraught with a terrible stomach ache. But I still decide to play. I have been counting down the days since last week. Today's the day to make my final bid and I have 9 hours before I can claim these babies as my own. Let the war begin.
Its my turn now.
Bring it on Bitches.