This clothing was brought to us from California but influenced by the world.
SLVDR creates high quality, well considered designs which I favor. My brothers might be overwhelmed by the mass amount of SLVDR clothing they are getting for Christmas.
It's the nature of the beast - I'm a detail snob.
One of the particular elements would make a man crave SLVDR is the structured design. The Collections are deep rooted, aesthetically pleasing and always seem to be timeless.
Fact: SLVDR does not lack on quality nor the attention paid to detail.

The casual Southern California lifestyle of growing up at the beach, mountains, and empty backyard pools combined with inspiration from travels around the world mix together to form the inspiration for design.
Attainable luxury is the word that SLVDR uses to summarizes the brand direction by providing premium materials and finishes in an obtainable product.
The word represents the idea of hand made simplicity and organic creative which is why SLVDR screams my brothers names.
Technology has improved our productivity and ability to communicate but will never replace the human act of creation. The SLVDR logo represents a global community and illustrates that we are all connected in some way. Whether you live in Berlin, Hong Kong, or Los Angeles, there is a common thread that connects us all.
What not a better way to be well-rounded.
-Check it -
p.s. It is not just because SLVDR's model looks like Kevin from Shameless...