Went to the Majestic with another friend of mine that I haven't seen in a long time. JJ, gosh I haven't kicked it with him in years. It was real nice to see him for a bit. We picked to see "The Fourth Kind." Very interesting movie to say the least. Would I watch it again? Uhhh, No. Do I believe it... Yea right... ha!
The next days following text messages:
JJ: Are you still on planet earth or were you abducted?
Me: I don't know... I thought I saw a white owl in my dream last night, but I cant remember. I'm glad you are still alive today.
My homeboy Adam and I went to Hillside to see "Law Abiding Citizen." I love Jaime Foxx and Gerard Butler. This movie, by far was my favorite of last weeks movie mayhem. And with those two actors satisfying eye candy... ha... it all worked out. Action packed, a little unreal but still kept me on my toes waiting to see what was going to happen next. Adam jumped a couple times in this movie and considered it to be scary.... Hes a freak though. If you like Guy Ritchie films, no doubt you will like this.